Monday, December 24, 2012

Money Wise In New York – Tip For Foreign Visitors

Here are some tips for foreigners who wish to spend wisely and ensure that they have that spare cash for emergencies while in New York.
If you are not keen on carrying around a huge sum of money in your wallet when traveling with party bus NY, then you will need your credit or debit card, both of which works well with most establishments. The only concern about the getting the best exchange money in NY but the rate depends pretty much on interbank rate which you would have to check with the banks or online. You would be charged some fees for withdrawing money with your foreign ATM card in NY – local bank fees, fees imposed by the bank in your country and quite possibly something else called a 'foreign currency fee' which would be incurred whenever you withdraw from a foreign bank. If you are withdrawing cash from your credit card, please bear in mind that you could be charged a cash advance fee.
Personally, many party bus NY prefer to travel using Travelers Check in NY because most establishments and hotels will readily, without question, take them and cash them out at no extra cost to you. It is a win-win situation for everyone except that you would probably have to fork out extra cash for smaller value.
When changing money, please also bear in mind that the banks give you better rates compared to when you change it at the airport (where most people tend to change their money) at the point of arrival. It is advisable to carry a reasonable stash of cash with you because there ARE some eateries that do not take cards, most of them smaller restaurants and cafes.
Please bookmark this site for future updates on traveling in New York in a party bus, shuttle bus, charter bus, mini bus or coach bus!

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