Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Must-Visit Attractions at New York City Roosevelt Island

Located between Manhattan and Queens, this narrow island has had a long history. Previously known by many different names such as MinnehanonckVarkens EylandtBlackwell’s Island and Welfare Island, the Roosevelt Island offers many different interesting attractions for charter bus visitors to explore.
This island has been used for many purposes and had been home to asylums, prisons, hospital out-patients and UN workers. However, things have changed since then and Roosevelt Island is now beautiful with lovely riverside walks, parks and a renovated tram made famous in movies like Spiderman.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Celebrations at the Bronx

As the northernmost boroughs of New York City, the Bronx is the only borough located primarily on the mainland. With the variety of neighborhoods in the Bronx, party bus visitors will find lots of attractions to visit and many events to take part in.
Here are some of the festivals held at the Bronx that you should take a chance to visit in your charter bus.

Bronx Culture Trolley

A project of the South Bronx Cultural Corridor, the Bronx Culture Trolley is held every first Wednesday of each month except on January and September. This event was started to encourage, create and maintain a higher level of arts and business development and promote the Culture Corridor as a destination for tourism.
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Brooklyn Brewery Tour - One of a Kind

When you visit a place like Brooklyn Brewery, a place that have been much talked about, you get to anticipate a lot. And one of the things about the charter bus visit is that....it doesn’t disappoint.

An award-winning brewery deserving of all praise

The Brooklyn Brewery has been making fantastic beer since 1988 when it first opened its doors to not just locals but fun-seeking tourists and New York visitors. The focus has been and will always be about traditionculture, an incredible recipe and enrichment of lives. Of course, we are not forgetting about instilling values in each other and making new friends while exploring all those recipes.
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